Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sensory Description practice

Shimmering hues of iridiscent blue streaked the sky, dotted by small, bluish-white clouds that blended perfectly with the cerulean blue sky. Clouds floated by, some in small, darker-blue patches, while others rolled by in great big blankets, a cover over the world. Through the clouds, one could almost see the piercing rays of the sun for just a short moment, then it was covered again by another looming cloud. Nudged along by the whistling wind, they moved slowly, the gentle giants of the skies. The greenish-blue colours of the ocean seemed to reflect the ever-changing hues of the sky. On the edge of the horizon, waves moved in with foam-topped crests, rolling inconspicuously along the surface of the mysterious body that was the ocean. A they got closer, the waves rose out of the water more and more, like a creature rising out from the ocean. Finally, the waves crashed onto the shores, then receded with soft splashing, leaving an eternally wet patch of sand to mark the ocean's territory. A solitary strip of land jutted out into the sea, a single stretch of dry ground thrumming with life. Trees grew vibrantly, the lush foilage growing all the way out into the ocean. The dark green of the ocean meshed perfectly with the lighter greens of the forest and the light blue of the sky, blending into the lovely, soothing colours that made up the beach.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Know: What do I know about prejudice?
Prejudice is a form of biasness towards a certain group of people or sometimes an individual. It is usually in the form of unfair treatment. Prejudice was seen in many forms throughout history. For example, the white-skinned people had always been prejudiced towards the black-skinned people until recently in history. Most people are also prejudiced against beggars on the street, thinking they are dirty and smelly and therefore not helping them. This might not be true. Also people tend to be prejudiced against people with deformities or disabilities or people who have commited crimes before.

Want: What do I want to learn/know about prejudice?
I want to know how prejudice inflicts conflict between one another. I also want to know how prejudice originated since it does not seem fair to be prejudiced against someone and human nature has a sense of fair play. I also want to know how we can put an end to prejudice in the world and give everyone a fair chance of succeeding in this world.

Learn: What have I learnt about prejudice?
I learnt that prejudice is not just between races but also between nationality, sex, etc. Prejudice lives on everywhere around the globe. Prejudice has also been the cause of riots, battles, wars and deaths. For example, the riots in Singapore in 1964 were because of prejudice amongst the races. We need to learn to accept other peoples' differences and appreciate their strong points, learning from them. Only in this way can we live in peace, harmoniously.


1. Prejudice hurts the feelings and relationships between people/races/genders etc.
2. Prejudice is a form of bias
3. Prejudice takes on many forms including discrimination, bigotry, stereotyping
4. Prejudice is caused by difference between 2 parties
5. Prejudice is a wrong conclusion about someone else before you even know anything about them,
6. Prejudice can lead to negative outcomes including unfair treatment, wars, battles etc.

My Toondoo Comic Strip


Thursday, January 13, 2011

My LA Blogspot

Hello one and all. This year, I'll be using this blogging website to blog about my LA. I will try to post high-quality posts! So, follow me if you want! And have fun reading my posts!! :D