Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day Exclusive

Welcome readers, to this exclusive session on Mother's Day. What is Mother's Day? It is a globally celebrated holiday that falls on the 2nd Sunday of May every year. It commemorates the contributions of all mothers who have done so much to bring up their children.

The origins of Mother's Day are rather obscure. However, it is widely accepted by historians all over the world that Mother's day originated in the United States of America (USA). The original purpose for Mother's Day was to oppose war, started by Julia Ward Howe of the USA. Written in 1870, it was a pacfiist reaction to the ravaging American Civil War and the Franco-Prussian War. Howe's feminist attitude dictated her ideals that women had a right and responsibility to sculpt their societies at the political level. She was very specific that the word "Mother's" was to be a singular possesive form, not a plural possesive (Mothers') or plural non-possesive (Mothers Day). The idea was for each family to honour their own matriarch, and not as a general festival to celebrate mothers. As such, it is evident that the original purpose has evolved somewhat.

I believe that whatever the case, we should treat this festival with reverance and also respect. Our mothers have indeed contributed much to our lives, taking on much of the responsibilities and burdens that accompany parenthood. We should never take this for granted, even though a mother's love is unconditional.

However, it is rather tragic that many youths of the present era do not feel the love of their mothers and fathers. They believe that their parents are deliberately restricting their freedom and as such are hostile towards their parents. Have they ever considered the viewpoint of their parents? They are their parents' flesh and blood. Their parents only wish for the best for their children and are not afraid to sacrifice so their children can lead better lives. How sad it is then, if these efforts are not recognised?

My own mother has helped me many times. She drives me to school twice a week, waking up at 6:50 and cutting short her already limited sleep so I can rest a little longer every day. If I were to take a bus to school, I would have to wake up at least half an hour earlier. Also, my mother is the stern matriarch of our family. She consistently checks on me, asking whether I have read the newspapers for that day, satisfied my weekly book-reading quota or practised the piano for at least an hour that day. If I had not, there would be a "volcanic eruption" of sorts because her temper goes off extremely easily. However, she ultimately loves me very much because she is my mother and only wants the best for me.

Looking back at some of the sillier incidents when she helped me, I cannot help but feel a pang of guilt. Many times in primary school, I would forget to bring consent forms for enrichment activities or forget to get exam papers signed by my parents. My mother had to make many trips from her busy office to come to my primary school to resolved the matter. I feel very remorseful now as I reminisce all her effort in bringing me up.

I would really like to wish my special mother a very "Happy Mother's Day!" This is an opportunity that only comes once in a year, and I think all of us should commemorate our mothers on this special day.


  1. Indeed, the amount of effort that our mothers put in bringing us up is indescribable, and something that we cannot possibly repay in our lifetime. However, I feel that we should not only celebrate our mothers' love on merely one day. Instead, we should consistently appreciate and acknowledge what our mothers have done for us, and continually love and support them. We should not only consolidate and announce our love for our mothers on this day itself. Love is lifelong, and Daniel, I trust that you shower love on your mother everyday throughout the year, not only on one day. Therefore, we should not merely show our appreciation on one day only; instead, our love and appreciation for our mothers should be consistent and everlasting.


  2. Hi Daniel,

    Indeed, the amount of effort that our mothers put in bringing us up is indescribable, and something that we cannot possibly repay in our lifetime. However, I feel that we should not only celebrate our mothers' love on merely one day. Instead, we should consistently appreciate and acknowledge what our mothers have done for us, and continually love and support them. We should not only consolidate and announce our love for our mothers on this day itself. Love is lifelong, and Daniel, I trust that you shower love on your mother everyday throughout the year, not only on one day. Therefore, we should not merely show our appreciation on one day only; instead, our love and appreciation for our mothers should be consistent and everlasting.

