Monday, April 18, 2011

A day in the life of World War II

Dear Diary,

It's really been too long since I wrote in you. We got a telegram from Dad again. Mum didn't let me read it, but she seemed really relieved. She told me Dad wouldn't be coming home again this week. He's on a business trip, by the way. All my classmates' dads went on business trips too, just one week ago. Mum told me a business trip was when people went somewhere far away to do business. She seemed really sad when I asked her why Dad had to stay away for so long. Why can't they go on business trips at home? Then we could all be together again. I asked Mum where Dad went. She told me he went to Germany, and he's enjoying himself with lots of great food and living in a nice house on the grass. I asked her when we could go join him. She told me we couldn't, not yet.

And this morning, Mum was reading the newspaper and I was eating my buttered bread. I saw some words on the front. Mr Richards hasn't really taught us to read yet, but I knew some of them. One was "Germany". Mum said Dad was there, so I read some more. Mum caught me looking, and dropped the newspapers. She told me it was for grown-ups only, so she went to her room and closed the door.

Dad's chair's been empty for a real long time now, and I miss him tucking me in at night. He used to tell me stories, and I would go to sleep. Mum tells me stories too, but she doesn't tell them like Dad does. And Mum always walks me to school now. Dad used to drive me there in his car, but Mum can't drive, so we walk instead. I like it, because Mum's a great joke-teller. I miss Dad though. I wish he would just come back from his business trip. When will Dad come home?

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