Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy National Day

Yesterday was a day of commemoration for the existence of this country. It was the day for celebration of our achievements, and the day for remembrance of our forefathers who made the vibrant Singapore today possible. But amidst all our rejoicing at the success Singapore has become, let us not forget how it all began.
Singapore's independence should never have been something to celebrate. In 1965, Singapore left only because the Malaysian Central Government decided that the racial riots in both countries would lead to eventual self-destruction. Singapore's Government, which had for so long tried to convince the people that merger with Malaya was the right way to go, had to break the bad news to the public. Singapore was going to leave Malaysia.
With no viable economy, and the constant threat of Communism to fight, Singapore was in a tough spot. Unemployment was at an all time high of 10%. Half the country lived in slums and squatters. Electricity, clean water and adequate food was a luxury. It seemed like we would never make it through. Those of you who think Singapore was destined for greatness, think again. Imagine living in this time. No Internet. No computer games. No phones. Black and white television. No air-conditioner. No washing machine. Not even a clean house to live in. Would you then have celebrated the separation of Singapore from Malaysia?
Yet through brilliant, far-sighted leadership Singapore made it through the tough times as a country. The fire seven times tried us, and we emerged victorious each time. First was the job and housing crunch of the 1960s. Next was the Asian financial crisis. Then SARS came along and everyone thought they would die. Then it was bird flu. Then dengue fever. Each time we were put to the test, sorely battered and bruised. Yet we weathered the storms. And with each time, we grew as a nation. It was in the fiery blazes of these disasters that our national identity was forged. And it was forged anew each time it broke. The iron that this country is made of has been tested time and time again. And it has withstood the devouring infernos.
To the young people of today: This country was never meant to be. But it is, and it is because of the mettle of our people that we have grown as one nation today. Grown as one country. Grown as one people. The seed that was sown by sheer accident has germinated. In times of drought it put down roots, digging through the ground for water. When others tried to choke it it put out leaves and fought ever more to reach the sun. And now the tree stands tall and strong, after fourty six years of trial. It is our job to continue the legacy our forefathers have left behind, to continue digging for water. To continue fighting for sunlight. To continue the struggle they left behind.
It is good to celebrate our achievements. But if you remember the hardship of the past, you will only appreciate our National Day all the more.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Daniel,

    Ah. National Day has always been a joyous occasion all across Singapore. Even if you do not go to the National Day Parade, the ambience is radiated through the live telecast on the television, allowing us to feel the bonding as a nation in the comfort of our homes.

    Back in 1965, the separation was one of mixed feelings. Singapore was vulnerable to the then prevalent communist threat. However, it was of course something that was to be celebrated since we are able to stand out to the world on our own as one Singapore.

    However, it is evident that through the many obstacles we face, good leadership and the unity of the people has tided us through. May better days come!

    Nathan (:
