Sunday, February 27, 2011

My LA Comments:

Here are the links of blogs I have commented on. My identity is "ohcoolwhatzthat". Ms Huang, if you see this, my comment on Jian Shern's blog may not be confirmed yet as it is still awaiting confirmation.
(I did this out of initiative and not part of the "structured" blogging in class.)

Thank you all for suscribing to "My LA Blogspot". I'll see you guys again next term.

"Anybody is guilty who watches this and does nothing."

The above phrase means that anybody who sees something wrong being done and does not do anything to stop it is also contributing to the injustice. To a certain extent, I agree with this phrase. If someone sees a robbery being committed and does not try to stop it, the person is also contributing to the robbery by not acting against it. If the person at least calls the police, then an action is taking place to try to stop the robbery. However, it is not fair to equate inaction with guilt. In certain situations, to act would exacerbate the situation, so we should remain quiet. For example, if a student is being scolded unfairly for punching someone else when he was provoked, it would exacerbate the situation to point out that someone else punched him. Then, two students would be in trouble instead of just one. Allowing this would motivate the student to remain calm and composed instead of retaliating.

However, I feel crime and discrimination in particular is very hard to prevent. It is not just as simple as punishing those who act on their discrimination. There is no perfectly objective person. Even though we may not realise it, we are acting based on certain discrimination that was imparted on us through the years. For example, if you ask an American whether he thinks whites or blacks are better, he will reply that both are equal. However, if you dig deeper and ask him to recount stories of great people, more likely than not he will give more white people as examples than black people. Also, in chess White moves first, followed by Black. White also has a positive connotation, like pure and innocent, while black has a negative connotation, as in black-hearted and a black abyss.

Friday, February 25, 2011

"Mississipi Burning"

Good day to my avid readers. Today I will be discussing a film named "Mississipi Burning".

"Mississpi Burning" is a movie based on prejudice and discrimination against Negroes. It is set in the 20th century in the southern part of America. It mainly focuses on the predominance of apartheid psychology during that time period, thus in the movie blacks are discriminated against. Segregation also takes place in the movie.

I have mixed feelings towards the movie. I like it because it is based on real life facts. It is rare that the truth is interesting or exciting or captivating. However, this movie has managed to capture excellently the horror that blacks faced in the 20th century, especially the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The KKK was a white supremacist organisation that lynched blacks, burnt down black churches, and raided black homes. They did not spare children or old folks, killing them indiscriminately. Although I already knew about how blacks were shunned and killed during the 20th century, it was a whole other thing to watch explicit graphic detail of how the KKK killed and tortured the negroes. I also like it because of the change that occurs. The movie started off with three civil rights activists being shot dead by police officers. However, at the end there was an integrated mourning of those activists and the people who had been mindlessly killed by the KKK.

That said, the movie also has flaws. My opinion is that it is not very suitable for easily frightened people, since the gory details would scare them. I also felt quite frightened and horrified when the KKK lynched a negro in the movie. As the Negro was being lynched, blood spattered everywhere, and it was a very gory scene. I also do not like it because the transition seems too abrupt. The movie starts with shooting, then it deteriorates into the arson of several different negro homes and churches. Finally, the masterminds are arrested, and suddenly people think negroes are not so bad. It would have been better if it did not change so abruptly since there is no significant change in life that occurs abruptly.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hello and welcome back, readers. This term we have been covering the use of first and third person perspectives in our LA lessons. I recently got to practise my skills in the third person in the termly writing assessment. What did I learn? I'll answer that soon enough.

First Person:
The first person perspective is a context where the story is told through the narrator's eyes, using words like "I" and "Myself" to refer to the narrator. In this form of writing, there is a narrowed perspective, limiting it to the viewpoint of the author. There is greater allowance for emotion and personal voice. Also, all the actions are perceived through the persona described in the text. For example, if one is writing about a young child, then the language would be more simple, longer words would be broken up, like in-ter-rup-tion as the child would not know how to spell it. Sentence structure would be simpler and there would be simpler vocabulary because of the child's young age, in order to bring out the authenticity of the story.

There are several uses for the first person perspective. It is usually used to describe emotions, perspectives and thoughts in greater detail, like in the short story "Flowers for Algernon". However, it can also be used to create distance between the persona and unimportant characters in a story. For example in "The Case for the Defence", the narrator is an experienced criminal lawyer. This serves to focus more on the case than the characters involved, like the judge, the jury, and the spectators. The first person can also be used to filter everything through the narrator's perspective in order to bring out a predominant theme or idea. For example, in "Red Letter Day", the story is told through the perspective of an old man in order to bring out the theme of love better. Finally, the first person perspective allows the reader to better relate to the character in the story.

Third Person:
The third person perspective is where there is an omniscient narrator, and the story revolves around characters like "Jack" and "Jill" rather than "I" or "myself". In other words, the story is not told through a persona, but rather as an observation of different personas. There is greater allowance for setting descriptions, and tension during the rising action when there is foreshadowing the protagonist does not notice. For example, there could be a section devoted to setting description rather than character development. Usually this brings out a certain theme or idea, like tranquility or sacrifice.

There are also different uses for the third person perspective. The most common is to maintain a balanced view and opinion so that there is no dominant distortion of objectivity, followed by heavy focus on setting description. However, the third person perspective can be used to describe two different places one after the other. For example, a paragraph can be inserted at certain points to elaborate on another place, which a normal first person perspective cannot achieve, because the narrator would not know about the other place. E.g. "I stood near the mountain...... Far away, Mark was bathing." This would mean the narrator is omniscient, which is not possible. Then, the third person perspective can be used to describe two different people's emotions. For example in a romance short story, there could be hesitation on both parties' parts, and the author can use third person to describe how they were both hesitating to confess.

The first person is more character driven, while the third person is more setting driven. However, there are several notable exceptions to the above generalisation, like "The Case for the Defence". They each have their own merits, and now I think I know when to use them. Third person is the basic requirement, to describe setting, and to manipulate the first person to its full extent one must be a writer of high skill level.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Original Poems by Yours Truly

A Student's Life by Daniel Tan

I used to think a student's life
Was as easy as could be.
Do your homework, study for exams
The rest was all carefree.

It didn't change by very much
When I entered HCI
My days were spent mostly gaming
with a computer and WiFi.

My seniors tried to warn me
Of the coming Sec 2 struggle.
Of the workloads so astounding
Of how much I'd have to juggle.

I didn't see how it could be
In the later months of school
I should have heeded their advice
Instead of dismissing it as uncool.

I only got the real message
When I was promoted to Sec 2
Projects, ACE, CIP, Homework,
There was so much I had to do.

I felt like breaking down sometimes
While I tried hard to adjust back
After a long, two-month break
My inclination was to slack.

I ranted all day, muttering under my breath,
Complained about life being stressful .
Teachers shrugged it off as normal.
I felt it was completely disrespectful.

Then I realised one key thing
I had completely neglected.
A student's life was supposed to be tough
As it was in your report books reflected.

The school is a time to train yourself
To learn to cope with stress
Like eating enough, drinking enough
And getting adequate rest.

By heat of day, by cool of night
I worked and toiled and finished
The once great mountain of homework
Now seemed greatly diminished.

My results sprung back upwards
To where they had previously been.
Scarcely two months ago
In the year I was thirteen.

Miss Yeo now said "Keep it up!"
Rather than "Do the work on the day it's dated!"
My mum's nags and reminders
Also slowly, evaporated.

Now I think a student's life
Is, granted, really hard.
But now I'm wiser from the times
That I learned how to play my cards.

This is an orignal composition by me. It capitalises on my experiences during the past two years in school. I really want people to be able to find out about the tremendous shift between Sec 1 and Sec 2. I learned all this the hard way in Sec 2, when I made the transition. Thankfully I still got good grades in Sec 1, and in Term 1 of Sec 2 while I was changing my attitude, getting new perspectives. I learned that through a combination of hard work, discipline and a little bit of talent, one can achieve stellar results not just in academic areas, but also in other areas like sports and art. I didn't really believe this personally before that, because I always thought it was more talent than anything else because I noticed some of my friends struggling with academic subjects like Language Arts and Integrated Humanities which required high capacity for judgement. I believed that they would never be able to break past a certain limit, because of their lack of talent. What I didn't notice was that my own talent in such areas was also not very high, because of my Asperger's Syndrome. So it was actually my hard work and not my talent that drove me to success.

I also realised this can apply to every aspect of life. Eating healthy, balanced meals takes discipline to avoid overeating or indulging too much in rich foods. Doing homework takes both hard work to do the necessary readings and discipline not to be distracted. Completing projects takes all three, working hard in the form of researching/typing out the reports, staying disciplined in the form of completing things by certain deadlines or achieving certain targets, and talent in whichever field the project is based in. Even after we grow up, it still takes a proper balance of talent, work and discipline to be one of those very successful people who go down in history forever. Thomas Edison once said that, "Success is ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent inspiration. I beg to differ. For me, success is made up of 70% hard work, 20% discipline and 10% talent. I would like to point out this may not apply for everyone, and everybody should find their own balance of hard work, discipline and talent. They can compensate for lack of talent by working harder or being more disciplined.

Mainly though, I'd just like to share my personal experiences with my followers. Thanks to Ivan and Kee Xuan for commenting to help me improve this poem! :D Please comment so I can edit and review.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Poem Analysis

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
and I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,
Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line
Of the edge and where I walk alone

Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I walk alone
I walk a...

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...

This poem is actually a song performed by popular band "Green Day". The song is named "Boulevard of Broken Dreams".

So now to discuss the meaning of this poem. The poem may sound boring or lonely, but there is in fact a deeper meaning behind it. Most people would think this is about a lonely person, but there is a hidden meaning. While it is true it describes the life of a lonely person, it also is meant to reflect the lives of most punk rock groups these days. While it appears they have many fans and supporters, they do not have many real friends to confide in, so their lives are indeed rather lonely. I find that the song also reflects the life of an Aspergian. I touched on Asperger's Syndrome in one of my earlier posts, so you will know that Aspergians do not have many friends due to their poor sense of social ettiquete. So, I realise that this is very applicable to a person with Asperger's, like myself. Also, with the advent of technology, people increasingly use the Internet to chat to one another, in place of the usual face-to-face conversations. The Internet is not such a good way to make friends, since most people online are strangers to you. So, people are increasingly cut off from their classmates/colleagues/family, making their lives more lonely. For example, "I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me and I walk alone." It gives off a sense of loneliness. One recognises that it is mostly applicable in the context of a teenager's life, due to the uncertainty they face in choosing a specialised field to study and work in. Also, they do not know whether they will be accepted as an employee by companies. One also notices the use of slang, and a little vulgarity. This mostly reflects the teenagers, who swear the most and use slang the most in their lives. The title "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" also suggests that most of a teenager's dreams never come to fruition, like an expensive house, or a high-paying job, or a loving spouse. While people from all walks of life can relate to this song, however it mostly applies to teenagers or young adults, who are mature in the mind and yet still in the innocence and folly of youth. I.e. they are mature but not wise, so they face much uncertainty in their lives.

I have learned a lot from this poem, about how people should develop closer friendship bonds with their friends/family, because it is a sad trend that more people prefer to face a computer than their own friends and relatives. Also, the more experienced elders or seniors should guide the youths along in their work or school, in order to allow them to flourish in their prime. This would help them to do a better job or study better, since they would have some knowledge and know-how of how to work/study in a smart way. E.g. if they know the requirements for a report on the economy in China, they would be able to shape their work to meet the requirements rather than simply writing a generic report that would not score well. E.g. if they know the smart methods to complete a property development project, they would have it finished faster and more effectively compared to blundering around, using the less effective and more time consuming methods to complete the jobs. However, those who are lost or lonely should also take the initiative to ask for help in their weak areas, or take the initiative to make friends e.g. organising parties, meeting them for movies, helping each other with homework, etc.

This ends my poem analysis. Please comment so I can edit! Thanks! :D

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Analysing a Novel

Some basic, essential questions:

  1. Why is it necessary to understand the historical and cultural context of the novel?
  2. How does it help to understand the author's background? Is it neccesary to learn about the author's background?
  3. Is it possible to appreciate the text without pre-reading about the historical and cultural context of the novel / background of the novel?
Answer 1:

It is necessary to understand the historical and cultural context of a novel because they may provide much information as to why or how the novel was written in a certain way. The historical context may explain why the book was written in a certain setting or time period. For example, in the book To Kill a Mockingbird, the book was written in a setting and time period where discrimination against Negroes was commonplace. This would explain why prejudice and discrimination against Negroes is used in the book to convey the sense that something innocent is being hunted, targeted, and finally killed. It is used as a descriptive mechanism and also to keep the plot moving. In the book, a mockingbird is compared to a Negro rather than something else, such as a young innocent child or a frail old man. The cultural context may also give answers to why certain social-political norms exist in the setting of the book. For example, in To Kill a Mockingbird, there were certain standards that existed. Negroes were shunned like filth and dirt. Also, people spoke in Southern accents, like country bumpkins. These are explained by the origins of the book, which was written in the southern part of the U.S.A. (United States of America)

Answer 2: It can be beneficial to understand the author's background. The background of the author may give clues to why a certain psychology was employed in the book, or why the book was written in a certain perspective, or why a certain setting was used in the book. For example, the author of the book To Kill a Mockingbird was Harper Lee, a woman who grew up in 1925, Alabama. This explains the setting in Alabama, and it explains the time period. In 1925, people still held to the belief that Negroes were dirty, filthy, unintelligent, etc. That is why there is a predominant prejudical attitude towards Negroes in the book. Also, Harper Lee was not herself a supporter of the discrimination against Negroes. That is why the Negroes in the book are portrayed as innocent beings shunned because of their skin colour. For example, Negroes are victimised in the book. E.g. Tom Robinson lost the court battle against two other people just because he was black and they were not. The Negroes were not allowed to go to the normal church, instead they were forced to set up a church by themselves to worship. Negroes had to live in designated areas, in isolation from the white community.

Answer 3: Even though understanding the historical and cultural context will help readers comprehend a good novel, a good novel is a work of art in itself. It is still possible to appreciate a work of art without prior knowledge of its cultural/historical context and setting. One could marvel at the unique/well-developed plot, or the excellent use of vocabulary, or the balanced character development and setting description, or perhaps an accurate and deep representation of a well-chosen theme. A good novel will also have a good rising action, building up extreme tension, until finally the climax arrives. Moreover, not only can one learn good/unique phrases, similes and metaphors from good novels, but also how to use phrases, similes, metaphors and descriptions to the best of their effect.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Book Review

Book Title: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Author : Mark Haddon
Publisher : Cox & Wytman Ltd, Reading, Berkshire

This book is a book about a boy with Asperger's Syndrome. The story is told through the boy's perspective, and having Asperger's Syndrome, his viewpoint is albeit different from the average person's perspective. Asperger's Syndrome is a disorder of the mind. Aspergians, as people with Asperger's are called, have little or no social awareness. As a result, they do not know what to do in some uncertain or confusing situations and they do not like chatting with others. They could end up losing many friends because of their lack of emotional quotient, or EQ. However, they have increased ability to focus on one subject for a period of time, perhaps permanently. They also understand black-and-white, yes-or-no situations better than unclear situations since they are exceedingly logical.

The book is a murder mystery, with a dog killed at the start of the book. The boy, named Christopher, then attempts to discover who actually killed the dog, Wellington. He goes to a few neighbours, talks to them and reasons his way to find a prime suspect. He writes a book on it in school, helped by his teacher, Siobhan. It appears to be Mr Shears, the ex-husband of the owner of the dog. But is it?

I would recommend this book to all my friends, because firstly, I too am an Aspergian. In my case, it is very mild, however I still find I have less friends that I would like. This book would help my friends and family understand Asperger's Syndrome better, and therefore be more understanding and tolerant towards me. Also, the book is actually rather humourous. Told in the dry yet innocent tone of a young child with Asperger's, there are several instances of humour displayed in the book. I too had a nice laugh reading the book. Finally, the literature is something to be admired. Using no complicated words, Mark Haddon still manages to describe things vividly, since the young Aspergian child tells things exactly as he sees it. The following is an adapted extract, a conversation between a policeman and Christopher. Christopher has just hit another policeman.

"You didn't mean to hit the policeman, did you?"
"I did mean to."
"But you didn't hurt him intentionally?"
"I just wanted to stop him touching me."
"Do you know it is a serious offence to hit a policeman?"
"Alright, we'll give you a warning. We'll enter in the records that you hit him, but didn't mean to."
"But I DID mean to hit him."

That is the type of humour one can expect from the book. Finally, the book teaches one to be imaginative. Christopher can imagine very well, like imagining a trip in space when he grows up.

Very Interesting

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Elements of a Novel Part 2

Welcome back to our topic of discussion, Elements of a Novel. This segment will continue directly from the previous post. Once you've finished your theme, plot and characters, we'll move on.

The fourth part of writing a novel is the setting. The setting of a story is where your characters will be located. For example, it could be a castle, the Carribean sea, outer space, a concentration camp, etc. Most novels do not have a fixed setting. The setting changes as the story progresses. Therefore, it is always important to describe the setting where your main action takes place. Usually, one chapter will focus on one setting, or at most two. This is the step where it is imperative to follow the plot you planned out earlier, and decide on the settings that you will describe in your novel. The setting is the type of flour you use to put on your bread. Suffice to say the better quality of flour, the better quality of bread. This is how character development and setting development mix together to boost the plot further. Good setting description and elucidation will go a long way in making your story richer.

Now we get to the writing. The writing is the most tedious of all stages, for to write a proper length novel, it will take many months or even years. However, it is also by far the simplest stage. This part of writing includes only that, writing. Following your chosen theme, plot, character development styles and setting descriptions, you should be able to combine these four elements into a cohesive whole. This stage is the baking of your bread. The baking is by far the simplest, but it also takes a lot of time. If you bake your bread well, the end result will be a crunchy, tender, delicious serving of bread. If you burn it or underbake it, all the previous ingredients will have been wasted. Finally, go through the recipe again, and make small adjustments to the parts you think were not good enough, i.e. edit your finished work after proofreading.

I myself have learned a lot from writing this, it has been like a revision for me on how to write well. All forms of prose will benefit from using this formula, even short stories and essays. I also learned that it is important to integrate all four elements of the planning into one, to write a good piece of literature. I hope you found this post educational as well!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Elements of a Novel, Part 1

We meet once again, my loyal followers. Today we shall explore the mysterious world that is a short story. How did so many famous authors write such incredible and creative novels? We'll see today. Although writing is a process involving many cycles of planning, writing, editing and proofreading, we'll see today it's not that hard.

The first part of writing a novel is choosing the theme. The theme is an underlying idea or concept constantly represented repetitively in the plot or cut scenes. For example, the theme could be friendship, or romance, or humour and comedy, or hurt and tragedy. The list goes on. The theme is very important since it dictates roughly how your story will be written. Think of it as the type of dough used to bake bread. The type of dough will determine the quality of bread baked in the oven. Choose a theme you are familiar with, e.g. friendship, and there you have it, the beginnings of your own novel.

The second part of writing a novel is planning your plot. The plot is your story, i.e. what you will write about. Most people falter here, with a cliche or mediocre plot. They rush through this stage, eager to get to the writing. Let me tell you, if you spend a good five minutes or so working out a central idea and a creative or impressive plot, the story will be so much better later on. This is why the plot is important. Without a plot, you can't write a story. If the theme was the dough used to bake bread, then the plot is the way you knead the dough. If you do a good job kneading the dough, the bread will turn out fantastic. If you don't, no matter what you do the bread will be inferior later on. Brainstorm on a plot, e.g. a pirate looting treasure, or a battle of two armies. Remember that you don't need to confine your story to the current era. Presto, your next part is done.

The third stage is creating your characters. The characters are the people/animals/aliens/ that good/bad things happen to in your story. The characters are essential to your story, since they are the beings that your readers will connect or relate to. Usually there is one protagonist (main good guy) and one antagonist (main bad guy) so it becomes a battle of good vs. evil. These two characters would be the ones that the story orbits around. For example, in J.K. Rowling's bestselling series "Harry Potter", the protagonist is Harry Potter, while the antagonist is Lord Voldemort. The story focuses on these two characters, emphasising the character development, history, personality etc. of both these two characters. Then there are other characters in the story, those that help the protagonist/antagonist along. These people make the story more interesting. There would be some character development, history, personality etc. displayed, but not much. Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger are other characters in "Harry Potter". The characters are the flour slapped on the dough. Too much or too little will ruin the bread. But the right dosage of flour will make the bread sweeter and moister. Remember not to make your characters perfect. If they are, readers cannot relate to them. Once you've completed this, you've finished another part of your novel.

To be Continued, my faithful audience...

Poems - Writing a Limerick

Hello, my avid fans. Today I shall be describing to you on how to write a decent limerick. I will be sharing one of my own compositions too.

The first thing you should remember is that a limerick is a form of poetry. Therefore, there are some required elements in a limerick. For example, a limerick should have a steady rhythm that is maintained in a poem. Usually, the rhythm is maintained by syllable count, meaning that there should be a fixed number of syllables for each verse in a stanza. This is to maintain a basic structure of the stanza, which is a characteristic of all poems. The emphasis on certain syllables or words should also be maintained, giving it a steady beat.

The rhyme scheme should also be maintained, however if the limerick happens to be a poem, then there may be a change of rhyme scheme between the chorus and the other stanzas of the limerick. The usual rhyme scheme in a limerick is A,A,B,B,A. This means the first, second and fifth lines rhyme with one another, and the third and fourth lines also rhyme with each other. Most limericks use this structure, however there are several rather well-known limericks deviating from this fixed structure. The limerick I composed is actually a song, differing from this rhyme scheme. Several other limericks made in Singapore also differ from this rhyme scheme.

Finally, a limerick must be funny. That is the one trademark element of a limerick - the humour element. A limerick is a witty, humourous or nonsense poem, designed in such a way as to make people laugh at the content delivered in the limerick. Some limericks are rather obscene with humour. This following example has unknown origin.

A lim'rick packs laughs anatomical,
In a space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen,
So seldom are clean.
And the clean ones are so seldom comical.

And now we have learned about limericks, I would like to share one of my own compositions. It was composed in a Singaporean context, targeting Singaporean audience of all ages, but mostly teenagers.

My life is full of homework

like the average kid in school

worksheets, books, assignments,

I can tell you its not cool.

I'm gonna chiong today

all my homework in one swoop

Now i have finished

my online lessons too

So much homework

More than I have ever seen before

I just know I have to do or die

So much homework

I dont wanna do it anymore

But then my mum will beat me till I cry

How I long

to be free from homework.

Sunrise to sunset

homework all the way

I want to pass out

but then later i will pay....

I wish I didn't have

to do all my homework

How I long

to be free from homework.