Friday, February 4, 2011

Poems - Writing a Limerick

Hello, my avid fans. Today I shall be describing to you on how to write a decent limerick. I will be sharing one of my own compositions too.

The first thing you should remember is that a limerick is a form of poetry. Therefore, there are some required elements in a limerick. For example, a limerick should have a steady rhythm that is maintained in a poem. Usually, the rhythm is maintained by syllable count, meaning that there should be a fixed number of syllables for each verse in a stanza. This is to maintain a basic structure of the stanza, which is a characteristic of all poems. The emphasis on certain syllables or words should also be maintained, giving it a steady beat.

The rhyme scheme should also be maintained, however if the limerick happens to be a poem, then there may be a change of rhyme scheme between the chorus and the other stanzas of the limerick. The usual rhyme scheme in a limerick is A,A,B,B,A. This means the first, second and fifth lines rhyme with one another, and the third and fourth lines also rhyme with each other. Most limericks use this structure, however there are several rather well-known limericks deviating from this fixed structure. The limerick I composed is actually a song, differing from this rhyme scheme. Several other limericks made in Singapore also differ from this rhyme scheme.

Finally, a limerick must be funny. That is the one trademark element of a limerick - the humour element. A limerick is a witty, humourous or nonsense poem, designed in such a way as to make people laugh at the content delivered in the limerick. Some limericks are rather obscene with humour. This following example has unknown origin.

A lim'rick packs laughs anatomical,
In a space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen,
So seldom are clean.
And the clean ones are so seldom comical.

And now we have learned about limericks, I would like to share one of my own compositions. It was composed in a Singaporean context, targeting Singaporean audience of all ages, but mostly teenagers.

My life is full of homework

like the average kid in school

worksheets, books, assignments,

I can tell you its not cool.

I'm gonna chiong today

all my homework in one swoop

Now i have finished

my online lessons too

So much homework

More than I have ever seen before

I just know I have to do or die

So much homework

I dont wanna do it anymore

But then my mum will beat me till I cry

How I long

to be free from homework.

Sunrise to sunset

homework all the way

I want to pass out

but then later i will pay....

I wish I didn't have

to do all my homework

How I long

to be free from homework.

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