Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Anybody is guilty who watches this and does nothing."

The above phrase means that anybody who sees something wrong being done and does not do anything to stop it is also contributing to the injustice. To a certain extent, I agree with this phrase. If someone sees a robbery being committed and does not try to stop it, the person is also contributing to the robbery by not acting against it. If the person at least calls the police, then an action is taking place to try to stop the robbery. However, it is not fair to equate inaction with guilt. In certain situations, to act would exacerbate the situation, so we should remain quiet. For example, if a student is being scolded unfairly for punching someone else when he was provoked, it would exacerbate the situation to point out that someone else punched him. Then, two students would be in trouble instead of just one. Allowing this would motivate the student to remain calm and composed instead of retaliating.

However, I feel crime and discrimination in particular is very hard to prevent. It is not just as simple as punishing those who act on their discrimination. There is no perfectly objective person. Even though we may not realise it, we are acting based on certain discrimination that was imparted on us through the years. For example, if you ask an American whether he thinks whites or blacks are better, he will reply that both are equal. However, if you dig deeper and ask him to recount stories of great people, more likely than not he will give more white people as examples than black people. Also, in chess White moves first, followed by Black. White also has a positive connotation, like pure and innocent, while black has a negative connotation, as in black-hearted and a black abyss.


  1. Hi Daniel :D

    Well-written post! I particularly enjoyed the part where you gave an analogy about how white moves first in chess, followed by the black. o:

    I think that discrimination is rather like a culture. Discrimination is passed down over generations and is supported and practiced by a large group of people. As such, as you said, it is hard to prevent and control.

    However, in response to the quote "anybody is guilty who watches this and does nothing", is the difficulty in helping out a justifiable reason for watching and doing nothing? You could try adding this part into your blog post. (:

    Glenn Ang :D

  2. The association of white with good and black with evil comes from religious texts. They are meant as analogies, and not meant for people to extrapolate them to apply to all contexts, including skin colour.
